How to hire A+ remote marketers?

I get this question a lot:

I replied – The key is to market the job at the right places, making the job description as broad as you can, focusing on candidates with previous remote work experience & listing the right kind of job perks.

BUT it’s definitely hard to hire A+ talent for your team, especially if it’s a remote marketing team. Here is a running list of unique tactics to find your next top 1% remote employee.

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Top Remote Job Perks to Attract A+ Candidates [INFOGRAPHIC]

Today, competition for remote talent is fierce, as more and more remote companies are surfacing. Want proof? Go ask the companies that’ve listed their job positions on WeWorkRemotely on how they’re doing finding the right candidate for their openings. Chances are that 50% of companies would tell you that their positions have been open for over 3 months.

In fact, I’ve faced this problem myself. I’ve personally struggled finding the right candidate for a lot of our remote marketing roles, even though we advertise almost exclusively on remote job boards. We’ve often had to re-post our job listings with different descriptions to attract the right candidates. More often than not, the job perks make a huge difference in the number of applicants we get on our listing.

I was curious to know what job perks were most successful for companies in attracting the right candidates for their position. So I did some research. Over the last 1 year, I’ve been analysing remote job listings on various hiring portals to figure out the top perks other remote companies are using to attack the highest quality remote marketers.

The goal of this research was to figure out the most attractive remote job perks that I could use for my own job listings, but I thought I’d share the results of the research anyway on the blog. After all, we’re in this together! 🙂

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