Tips from a senior affiliate marketer on creating an affiliate program

I talked to Wesley Whetten who is a remote affiliate manager at Liquid Web and has worked with multiple affiliate partners to ensure they get the maximum revenue out of their affiliate partnerships.

In this episode of Remote Marketing Podcast, we talked about the foundational basics of affiliate marketing – when does it make sense, best practices, what pitfalls to avoid and how to create affiliate programs. I also asked him if a good affiliate program can be set up and managed by a remote marketing team.

Wesley & I met earlier in 2019, thanks to our mutual friend and my former colleague, Ryan Robinson. Wesley was Ryan’s contact at Blue Host. Ryan’s blog gets over half a million visitors (it’s crazy, I know) and was a Bluehost affiliate but wasn’t able to generate a sizeable affiliate revenue from them. And that’s when Wesley came into the picture.

He worked with Ryan to improve how he marketed his BlueHost affiliate links etc. and today Ryan generates half a million annually from BlueHost itself. (About 70-80% of Ryan’s total blog revenue – you can check it out at Ryan’s side income reports).

Resources mentioned:

  1. Good affiliate software – GetAmbassador
  2. Warm emails episode

Quick note

I’ve been running a newsletter for 4 years now where I share everything I’m learning about remote marketing teams from my own experiences as well as other’s experiences. It’s 100% free. But there’s a catch…

I craft each newsletter edition with a lot of love, sweat and tears (okay this is an exaggeration). That’s one of the reasons why I vet every single person who signs up and then decide who’s eligible to be part of the newsletter. Apply to be a subscriber to the world’s only newsletter for remote marketing teams.