4 podcasting tips from Andrew Michael (host of Churn.fm)

I chatted with Andrew about his journey with his podcast Churn.fm – how he started it, operations behind every episode and how he manages to publish an episode every Wednesday without fail (despite having a full time job + family life + new startup). If you’re thinking of building a podcast, I’d urge to listen to it.

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How to manage & spend your SEO budget? (feat. Steve Toth)

#1: Define your problem statement

Like they say, knowing what the problem is 50% solution. Take out a piece of paper and define the current situation of SEO, what your goals are and the time period in which you’d like to achieve these goals. List out current challenges that prevent you from reaching those goals.

Writing this out will give you a good clarity on what needs to be done.

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Rand Fishkin’s advice on marketing flywheels

In this special episode, I got Rand Fishkin (founder of Sparktoro & Moz) who is about to complete two decades in marketing. I am particularly excited to release this episode because I’ve learnt SO MUCH from his Whiteboard Fridays over the years. For reference:

  1. Rand’s Brandwagon interview (the story behind Whiteboard Fridays)
  2. How to build a content-keyword map (my favorite Whiteboard Friday)

I thought I’d get his perspective on marketing flywheels, why marketing teams should focus on that and how he’s building a marketing flywheel to grow Sparktoro (his newest venture).

You can watch the interview below…

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Tips from a senior affiliate marketer on creating an affiliate program

I talked to Wesley Whetten who is a remote affiliate manager at Liquid Web and has worked with multiple affiliate partners to ensure they get the maximum revenue out of their affiliate partnerships.

In this episode of Remote Marketing Podcast, we talked about the foundational basics of affiliate marketing – when does it make sense, best practices, what pitfalls to avoid and how to create affiliate programs. I also asked him if a good affiliate program can be set up and managed by a remote marketing team.

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From Marketing Hire #1 to Marketing Lead at Todoist: Brenna’s Playbook

For a lot of you who don’t know, I’ve got a weekly podcast called the Remote Marketing Podcast where we talk everything about remote marketing teams.

The podcast has generally been me sharing thoughts on marketing, but I occasionally try to bring on guests. In this episode, I invited Brenna Loury who is the Head of Marketing at Doist, the makers behind two very popular work productivity apps called Todoist & Twist. In total, their products serve over 20 million+ users and my favorite part is that they’re a 100% remote team.

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